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  • You must start a dream journal!

    Stop blowing off your dreams! They are powerful messages to advance you to your next level! Please, take my advice on this one and you won't regret it! Your dreams are a window to your FUTURE! Renowned psychologists in history have told us that self-awareness can come from dreams. The most notable are Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Both had similar views on dreams but, as described by Kelly Burkelley, Ph.D., they differed on one major point. Freud saw all dreams as making sense of the past but Carl Jung believed that many of our dreams were projective of the future. This is also the Biblical view of dream interpretation identified in the stories of Joseph, as found in the book of Genesis and Daniel as found in the book of Daniel. Both characters interpreted dreams that were predictions of the future. Today, most of us recognize that we dream but often do not retain our memories of those dreams because we imagine our nightly images and sensations to be simply useless chatter, often the amalgamations of outside or faint wishes and wants. Sometimes we realize, also, that our dreams are the accumulation of stresses that amount to the unfinished business of the previous day or days. And they can be! But I think it is worthwhile to think of our dreams as something spiritually profound. And while I once heard a speaker humorously define the source of dreams as either from God, the devil, or too much pizza; I do believe that it is valuable to consider the source of dreams to be a spiritual message from the divine to take us to a better future. If we are to believe that we were placed here on this earth for a divine purpose and that our lives have meaning, we ought to consider our dreams as important. So, for the purposes of this discussion, I would like you to think of your dreams as a portal to deeper spiritual truths - a pathway for God's communications to you. Let's begin with the practical. First, decide to take your dreams as a serious connection to God and believe that your dreams are important communications that should not be ignored. Next, keep a dream journal. Your dream journal could be as simple as a pen and notepad net to your bed on the nightstand to write down your dreams when you have them. Don't forget to include a small lamp or flashlight to see what you are doing. Keep all other objects away from this direct area so as not to create a commotion when locating your pen and pad. Write as many bullet points as you can remember in the order that you recall. Do not interpret the dream yet but do write down what the characters in your dream we're thinking if you know. This will help later when interpreting what you’ve written. Go back to sleep immediately. Here are some basic dream interpretation concepts that you might find valuable as you begin your dream journal. By Chris Hammond who is author of the Lucid Dreaming Course. 30 Common Dream Symbols Animals often represent the part of your psyche that feels connected to nature and survival. Being chased by a predator suggests you're holding back repressed emotions like fear or aggression. Babies can symbolize a literal desire to produce offspring, or your own vulnerability or need to feel loved. They can also signify a new start. Being chased is one of the most common dream symbols in all cultures. It means you're feeling threatened, so reflect on who's chasing you (they may be symbolic) and why they're a possible threat in real life. Clothes make a statement about how we want people to perceive us. If your dream symbol is shabby clothing, you may feel unattractive or worn out. Changing what you wear may reflect a lifestyle change. Crosses are interpreted subjectively depending on your religious beliefs. Some see it as symbolizing balance, death, or an end to a particular phase of life. The specific circumstances will help define them. Exams can signify self-evaluation, with the content of the exam reflecting the part of your personality or life under inspection. Death of a friend or loved one represents change (endings and new beginnings) and is not a psychic prediction of any kind. If you are recently bereaved, it may be an attempt to come to terms with the event. Falling is a common dream symbol that relates to our anxieties about letting go, losing control, or somehow failing after a success. Faulty machinery in dreams is caused by the language center being shut down while asleep, making it difficult to dial a phone, read the time, or search the internet. It can also represent performance anxiety. Food is said to symbolize knowledge, because it nourishes the body just as information nourishes the brain. However, it could just be food. Demons are sneaky evil entities which signify repressed emotions. You may secretly feel the need to change your behaviors for the better. Hair has significant ties with sexuality, according to Freud. Abundant hair may symbolize virility, while cutting hair off in a dream shows a loss of libido. Hair loss may also express a literal fear of going bald. Hands are always present in dreams but when they are tied up it may represent feelings of futility. Washing your hands may express guilt. Looking closely at your hands in a dream is a good way to become lucid. Houses can host many common dream symbols, but the building as a whole represents your inner psyche. Each room or floor can symbolize different emotions, memories and interpretations of meaningful events. Killing in your dreams does not make you a closet murderer; it represents your desire to "kill" part of your own personality. It can also symbolize hostility towards a particular person. Marriage may be a literal desire to wed or a merging of the feminine and masculine parts of your psyche. Missing a flight or any other kind of transport is another common dream, revealing frustration over missing important opportunities in life. It's most common when you're struggling to make a big decision. Money can symbolize self worth. If you dream of exchanging money, it may show that you're anticipating some changes in your life Mountains are obstacles, so to dream of successfully climbing a mountain can reveal a true feeling of achievement. Viewing a landscape from atop a mountain can symbolize a life under review without conscious prejudice. Nudity is one of the most common dream symbols, revealing your true self to others. You may feel vulnerable and exposed to others. Showing off your nudity may suggest sexual urges or a desire for recognition. People (other dream characters) are reflections of your own psyche, and may demonstrate specific aspects of your own personality. Radios and TVs can symbolize communication channels between the conscious and unconscious minds. When lucid, ask them a question. Roads, aside from being literal manifestations, convey your direction in life. This may be time to question your current "life path". Schools are common dream symbols in children and teenagers but what about dreaming of school in adulthood? It may display a need to know and understand yourself, fueled by life's own lessons. Sex dreams can symbolize intimacy and a literal desire for sex. Or they may demonstrate the unification of unconscious emotions with conscious recognition, showing a new awareness and personal growth. Teachers, aside from being literal manifestations of people, can represent authority figures with the power to enlighten you. Teeth are common dream symbols. Dreaming of losing your teeth may mark a fear of getting old and being unattractive to others. Being trapped (physically) is a common nightmare theme, reflecting your real life inability to escape or make the right choice. Vehicles may reflect how much control you feel you have over your life - for instance is the car out of control, or is someone else driving you? Water comes in many forms, symbolizing the unconscious mind. Calm pools of water reflect inner peace while a choppy ocean can suggest unease. Have fun for the next 30 days with your dream journal and be sure to include this as a interesting topic of conversation for friends and family. You may find tremendous blessings from this. Dr. Bob Montes is a psychologist in Alpharetta, GA. He is the co-founder along with his wife, Christy Montes, ND, of Trinity Psychology and Wellness.

  • It’s never too late to get an ACCURATE Diagnosis!

    Getting the Diagnosis right the First Time! Figure out what is wrong with you! Have you ever heard of someone getting misdiagnosed and spending most of their lives being treated for the wrong problem? It happens more than you think. Misdiagnosis means that a person with one medical condition was diagnosed by a doctor with another condition that they do not have. An estimated 12 million Americans a year are misdiagnosed with a condition they don’t have. That’s 1 in 20! In approximately half of those cases, the misdiagnosis has the potential to result in severe harm. Individuals who have been for example diagnosed with dementia were surprised to find issues associated more with oxygen deprivation, stroke, or even anaphylaxis from food allergies. The process through which individuals are misdiagnosed with mental health conditions in my opinion has to do with the current state of affairs in the world of diagnosis, particularly with the onset of the DSM-5. The DSM-5 stands for the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (5th edition). Since the onset of this manual in 2013, much of the research regarding mental health was tossed aside for the convenience of diagnosing based on symptoms rather than causes. This, despite much research that concluded that much of the symptoms manifested were due to social causes. Many psychologists who work in the field of recovery from trauma are frustrated with the DSM-5 because much of the research identifying childhood trauma, for example, have been largely ignored for symptoms like ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, disruptive mood disorder, and childhood bipolar disorder. In the past, if I had only an hour to figure out what was going on with my patient, I would find myself in my own practice confused and ultimately cornered by the symptom display in the DSM-5 manual. I could literally spend hours working on differentiating the diagnosis because symptoms overlap. This is why so many end up getting the wrong diagnosis and consequently the wrong treatment. This is a real travesty to good mental health treatment that could make the difference between a person living a life that's fulfilling versus one that continually fights uphill battles chasing a red herring. It is most important to seek after exceptional clinical help where the psychologist will take the time to evaluate more thoroughly what is going on with each individual. Parents would do well to ensure that their children are understood through proper psychological methods that evaluate in a more thorough way. If you are looking for help in understanding your child's condition, consider that if you are getting evaluated by a psychiatrist or pediatrician in less than an hour, the likelihood of an accurate diagnosis lessens tremendously. You can be sure that the doctor will not be able to get to the source of your or your child’s condition. What is needed in an accurate diagnosis? In a sentence, an accurate diagnosis requires a thorough intake, a biological and health investigation, and a neurological and psychological investigation using the best instruments! BIO-PSYCHO-SOCIAL History: The features that are most necessary for an accurate clinical diagnosis begin with understanding the biological, psychological, and social history of the individual ranging from birth through their current life functioning. Specific to biology, we work to understand the physical health of the child, teen, or adult as well as the health of their parents and extended family. Next, we discuss the psychological roots that involve the mental health of the child, teen, or adult including the mental health of the parents, extended family, and siblings. We examine the social roots including the current life conditions and peer and family social functioning. Neurological functioning can be examined through EEG. All current functioning is sifted through the family of origin dynamics starting with family size, parents’ physical and mental health, marital issues including conflict resolution, extended family, money, and time issues. Parents often disagree as to how discipline is handled and things change from oldest to youngest. Sibling relationships are vital to the outcome of social functioning in the real world. Do the children get along or do the squabble frequently? HEALTH: At Trinity Psychology and Wellness, we use naturopathy to get to the bottom of much of the health issues our clients face. While it is vital that children and adults be examined by their physician, it is the naturopathic doctor that is especially gifted into the source of health issues. These doctors have been trained in practices that range from eastern medicine to chiropractic and offer a perspective unlike what one would find in the medical field. The naturopathic doctor will examine for things such as food sensitivities and identify weaknesses in immune responses that can be built up and strengthened by adjustments in diet, the addition of various vitamins, minerals, and food grade supplements. Psychological Testing and Measures: QEEG Brain Maps: The QEEG brain map is designed to examine the neurological underpinnings of brain functions by examining brain waves. Brain waves give us insight into the brain's current condition and can help identify and streamline the best treatment. Certain medications elevate brain waves that support the brain's optimal functioning, and the brain map is able to confirm positive results. At the same time medication can also cause brain dysregulation that is also identified by the brain map. Therefore, the use of Q EEG is helpful in streamlining the best support for the patient. In addition to helping clarify medical needs, QEEG brain maps can identify potential mental health issues. Access beta waves in the frontal lobe often relate to anxiety. While at the same time, excess delta and Theta waves may reflect depression. By identifying the location and the power of these waves in certain regions of the brain, a diagnosis is supported. Psychological & Educational Evaluations: The use of psychological and educational instruments for measuring children and adults has been used for the past 75 years with increasing accuracy. The benefit of using such instruments allow the practitioner to compare the results of the individual being tested to the population of people his or her same age, gender, and disposition. At Trinity psychology and Wellness, we utilize the best instruments provided and take a thorough look at results to create an optimal plan for the individual. At this point, the diagnosis is clear, concise, and accurate to the best of our ability. Our success rate is very high and has provided help for countless individuals. The Trifecta of the Evaluation Process: The trifecta of the evaluation process is the combination of psychological (including social mental and spiritual functioning); neurological evaluation using quantitative EG to examine electrical activity in the brain measured by Brain wave functions; and a naturopathic healthcare examination which identifies the source of health issues including diet, stress related conditions, and the paucity of nutrition and wellness approaches that require support through vitamins, minerals, diet changes, and food grade supplementations. Contact Trinity psychology and Wellness add or 678-366-8862. We'll get the bottom of your issues!

  • Hypnotherapy

    What is it? Hypnotherapy is a treatment modality used at Trinity Psychology & Wellness to treat a host of conditions. According to Psychology Today, Hypnotherapy is guided hypnosis, or a trance-like state of focus and concentration achieved with the help of a clinical hypnotherapist. This trance-like state is similar to being completely absorbed in a book, movie, music, or even one's own thoughts or meditations. In this state, clients can turn their attention completely inward to find and utilize the natural resources deep within themselves that can help them make changes or regain control in certain areas of their life. A common and helpful use for hypnotherapy is in the area of trauma. The technique is effective because it helps to reduce the strength, power, and control of a past traumatic event on the autonomic nervous system within the body. Since the body stores traumatic events within the memory centers of the brain (limbic system), individuals will find themselves responding to situations in a reactive fight or flight manner or in a retreat-ive shutdown mode. The response is generally seen as out of proportion to the situation or event itself. The therapy involves initial instruction and practice of certain basic "grounding" tools. This is because the individual must begin this type of therapy with confidence in being able to overcome their intense emotions. They are therefore instructed and given time to practice simple but powerful approaches to self-management and self-soothing that include deep, diaphragmatic breathing, muscle tensing and relaxing responses, strategic attention shifts and focus to certain sounds and smells in the room, and tactile placements of the feet and hands on solid surfaces or objects nearby (i.e., a pillow or the arm of the chair or couch). These techniques keep the client in the present, here-and-now, moment. Next, the client is helped to recall certain incidents or memories of times when he or she felt the effects of the traumatic events of the past, without going to the traumatic memory itself. This is very important, since the actual memory of the core event may be too overwhelming to face, especially in the initial visits. In fact, it has been my experience that certain past events are best handled and accessed only when there is management of these intense emotions and not by going into the event or trauma in its fullness. The goal is the healing of the emotional effects of the traumatic event, and not the event itself. The healing of past trauma is almost a side-effect of the client gaining management of these intense feelings. Next, while still within the context of safety, personal strength, and security, the client will spontaneously recall memories by regressing to past events, one spontaneous recollection at a time. There is no judgment placed on the client for their memories that may range from intense, embarrassing, funny, or completely innocuous. These memories are not forced or planned, but simply allowed to appear on their own. The session ends with new insights and observations. I call these new insights or understandings divine revelations of wisdom. They are generally accessed when the client reaches a brain state known as Alpha/Theta relaxation. Here, the subconscious mind is able to connect with what I refer to as the unified "field" of God's holy presence. Alpha/Theta states provide a pathway or portal toward supra-spirituality that causes us to exit from the analytical mind and provide a completely new understanding beyond what the former conflicted mind generated in the past. Each person's moment in this context is unique, but consistent with what many describe as an embrace of God's love. Others who have written on the subject have referred to this love feeling as the most familiar unfamiliar feeling they have ever had.

  • Resolving Trauma: A Spiritual Healing Method

    By Dr. Bob Montes, Ph.D., BCN Spiritual Healing Spiritual healing is a phrase used to describe a non-physical approaches like meditation, prayer, and hypnotic suggestion that brings restorative health to an individual from states of emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical ill-health. What types of issues are being resolved through Spiritual Healing? The conditions for which people receive help including psychological and/or emotional conditions from known or unknown origins. These conditions include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, suicidal conditions, panic attacks, and trauma-based reactions. Others come because of physical complaints, also of unknown origin that often flair up when experiencing stress, including such illnesses as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic conditions, and other auto-immune conditions. How did we get to a place where we have a spiritual injury requiring spiritual healing? It is not hard to figure out that most of us have complicated if not traumatic upbringings. The result as Henry David Thoreau stated, is that we live lives of “quiet desperation.” The pain we suffer is often unique to ourselves, but the anatomy is often the same and for some, as indicated above, our bodies bear the scars. I describe Spiritual Healing as the primary pathway to healing body, mind, and spirit. What are the steps taken for healing? Those who come for spiritual healing often find themselves at their last straw. They have tried multiple approaches without seeing that the answer has always been deep within, which can be seen as an untapped reservoir of divine resource. Firstly, find a trusting therapist who is equipped and skilled for the task. This therapist will have experience in healing that will go far beyond “talk therapy” and work to help you release past pain through deep relaxation, hypnotherapy techniques, and through, as mentioned above, the tapping of your divine resources. Secondly, trust yourself and get over the fear or shame that keeps you from getting help in the first place. In most cases, this process is not near as hard as you may think. 3 things that tell you that you are not getting the help to resolve your trauma: 1. Know first that talk therapy and describing your past trauma over and over does not heal your trauma – it only perpetuates the pain. Yes, there may be some need to describe what happened, but this is limited to gaining a foundation. Details only revisit unhealthy past events that serve to slow progress. Instead… 2. Get to the healing described above. In this healing, you will be able to experience the clearing of body trauma and the removal of the emotion attached to that area of your body. 3. Know also, that the Bible describes healing more often as an instantaneous event that felt to those receiving the help like the removal of a spirit, a weight, or clogged energy. This is often what is felt when a person feels relieved of long-term pain both emotionally and physically. Your healing can occur by a zoom meeting if you are out of state or you may come visit our office in Alpharetta, Georgia. CALL US AT 678-366-8862 or reach out at Dr. Bob is trained in Hypnotherapy through APA accredited instruction

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