Getting the Diagnosis right the First Time!
Figure out what is wrong with you!
Have you ever heard of someone getting misdiagnosed and spending most of their lives being treated for the wrong problem? It happens more than you think. Misdiagnosis means that a person with one medical condition was diagnosed by a doctor with another condition that they do not have.
An estimated 12 million Americans a year are misdiagnosed with a condition they don’t have. That’s 1 in 20! In approximately half of those cases, the misdiagnosis has the potential to result in severe harm. Individuals who have been for example diagnosed with dementia were surprised to find issues associated more with oxygen deprivation, stroke, or even anaphylaxis from food allergies.
The process through which individuals are misdiagnosed with mental health conditions in my opinion has to do with the current state of affairs in the world of diagnosis, particularly with the onset of the DSM-5. The DSM-5 stands for the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (5th edition). Since the onset of this manual in 2013, much of the research regarding mental health was tossed aside for the convenience of diagnosing based on symptoms rather than causes. This, despite much research that concluded that much of the symptoms manifested were due to social causes.
Many psychologists who work in the field of recovery from trauma are frustrated with the DSM-5 because much of the research identifying childhood trauma, for example, have been largely ignored for symptoms like ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, disruptive mood disorder, and childhood bipolar disorder.
In the past, if I had only an hour to figure out what was going on with my patient, I would find myself in my own practice confused and ultimately cornered by the symptom display in the DSM-5 manual. I could literally spend hours working on differentiating the diagnosis because symptoms overlap. This is why so many end up getting the wrong diagnosis and consequently the wrong treatment. This is a real travesty to good mental health treatment that could make the difference between a person living a life that's fulfilling versus one that continually fights uphill battles chasing a red herring.
It is most important to seek after exceptional clinical help where the psychologist will take the time to evaluate more thoroughly what is going on with each individual. Parents would do well to ensure that their children are understood through proper psychological methods that evaluate in a more thorough way. If you are looking for help in understanding your child's condition, consider that if you are getting evaluated by a psychiatrist or pediatrician in less than an hour, the likelihood of an accurate diagnosis lessens tremendously. You can be sure that the doctor will not be able to get to the source of your or your child’s condition.
What is needed in an accurate diagnosis?
In a sentence, an accurate diagnosis requires a thorough intake, a biological and health investigation, and a neurological and psychological investigation using the best instruments!
The features that are most necessary for an accurate clinical diagnosis begin with understanding the biological, psychological, and social history of the individual ranging from birth through their current life functioning. Specific to biology, we work to understand the physical health of the child, teen, or adult as well as the health of their parents and extended family. Next, we discuss the psychological roots that involve the mental health of the child, teen, or adult including the mental health of the parents, extended family, and siblings. We examine the social roots including the current life conditions and peer and family social functioning. Neurological functioning can be examined through EEG.
All current functioning is sifted through the family of origin dynamics starting with family size, parents’ physical and mental health, marital issues including conflict resolution, extended family, money, and time issues. Parents often disagree as to how discipline is handled and things change from oldest to youngest. Sibling relationships are vital to the outcome of social functioning in the real world. Do the children get along or do the squabble frequently?
At Trinity Psychology and Wellness, we use naturopathy to get to the bottom of much of the health issues our clients face. While it is vital that children and adults be examined by their physician, it is the naturopathic doctor that is especially gifted into the source of health issues. These doctors have been trained in practices that range from eastern medicine to chiropractic and offer a perspective unlike what one would find in the medical field. The naturopathic doctor will examine for things such as food sensitivities and identify weaknesses in immune responses that can be built up and strengthened by adjustments in diet, the addition of various vitamins, minerals, and food grade supplements.
Psychological Testing and Measures:
QEEG Brain Maps:
The QEEG brain map is designed to examine the neurological underpinnings of brain functions by examining brain waves. Brain waves give us insight into the brain's current condition and can help identify and streamline the best treatment. Certain medications elevate brain waves that support the brain's optimal functioning, and the brain map is able to confirm positive results. At the same time medication can also cause brain dysregulation that is also identified by the brain map. Therefore, the use of Q EEG is helpful in streamlining the best support for the patient.
In addition to helping clarify medical needs, QEEG brain maps can identify potential mental health issues. Access beta waves in the frontal lobe often relate to anxiety. While at the same time, excess delta and Theta waves may reflect depression. By identifying the location and the power of these waves in certain regions of the brain, a diagnosis is supported.
Psychological & Educational Evaluations:
The use of psychological and educational instruments for measuring children and adults has been used for the past 75 years with increasing accuracy. The benefit of using such instruments allow the practitioner to compare the results of the individual being tested to the population of people his or her same age, gender, and disposition. At Trinity psychology and Wellness, we utilize the best instruments provided and take a thorough look at results to create an optimal plan for the individual. At this point, the diagnosis is clear, concise, and accurate to the best of our ability. Our success rate is very high and has provided help for countless individuals.
The Trifecta of the Evaluation Process:
The trifecta of the evaluation process is the combination of psychological (including social mental and spiritual functioning); neurological evaluation using quantitative EG to examine electrical activity in the brain measured by Brain wave functions; and a naturopathic healthcare examination which identifies the source of health issues including diet, stress related conditions, and the paucity of nutrition and wellness approaches that require support through vitamins, minerals, diet changes, and food grade supplementations.
Contact Trinity psychology and Wellness add or 678-366-8862. We'll get the bottom of your issues!
