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Resolving Trauma: A Spiritual Healing Method

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

By Dr. Bob Montes, Ph.D., BCN

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is a phrase used to describe a non-physical approaches like meditation, prayer, and hypnotic suggestion that brings restorative health to an individual from states of emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical ill-health.

What types of issues are being resolved through Spiritual Healing?

The conditions for which people receive help including psychological and/or emotional conditions from known or unknown origins. These conditions include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, suicidal conditions, panic attacks, and trauma-based reactions.

Others come because of physical complaints, also of unknown origin that often flair up when experiencing stress, including such illnesses as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic conditions, and other auto-immune conditions.

How did we get to a place where we have a spiritual injury requiring spiritual healing?

It is not hard to figure out that most of us have complicated if not traumatic upbringings. The result as Henry David Thoreau stated, is that we live lives of “quiet desperation.” The pain we suffer is often unique to ourselves, but the anatomy is often the same and for some, as indicated above, our bodies bear the scars. I describe Spiritual Healing as the primary pathway to healing body, mind, and spirit.

What are the steps taken for healing?

Those who come for spiritual healing often find themselves at their last straw. They have tried multiple approaches without seeing that the answer has always been deep within, which can be seen as an untapped reservoir of divine resource. Firstly, find a trusting therapist who is equipped and skilled for the task. This therapist will have experience in healing that will go far beyond “talk therapy” and work to help you release past pain through deep relaxation, hypnotherapy techniques, and through, as mentioned above, the tapping of your divine resources.

Secondly, trust yourself and get over the fear or shame that keeps you from getting help in the first place. In most cases, this process is not near as hard as you may think.

3 things that tell you that you are not getting the help to resolve your trauma:

1. Know first that talk therapy and describing your past trauma over and over does not heal your trauma – it only perpetuates the pain. Yes, there may be some need to describe what happened, but this is limited to gaining a foundation. Details only revisit unhealthy past events that serve to slow progress. Instead…

2. Get to the healing described above. In this healing, you will be able to experience the clearing of body trauma and the removal of the emotion attached to that area of your body.

3. Know also, that the Bible describes healing more often as an instantaneous event that felt to those receiving the help like the removal of a spirit, a weight, or clogged energy. This is often what is felt when a person feels relieved of long-term pain both emotionally and physically.

Your healing can occur by a zoom meeting if you are out of state or you may come visit our office in Alpharetta, Georgia. CALL US AT 678-366-8862 or reach out at

Dr. Bob is trained in Hypnotherapy through APA accredited instruction

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